Math Resources
  •     xtramath

    We are using Xtramath for our math facts time.
    Students are to practice daily as homework.
    Students are encouraged to practice these facts using other sites, or the old fashioned way of flash cards.


  • Mobyma

    • Make sure to bookmark this site at home.  Students are allowed to practice on this site at home on a daily basis!
      The lessons are aligned for each individual student, allowing them to practice the skills they need the most practice with.  As they master those standards, they will advance through the curriculu
  • Khan Academy

    • Feel free to check out this site.  There are many useful lessons for a variety of subjects.  If you are going to sign up, use your school email
  • I-Ready

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      This is the site where students are REQUIRED to spend a minimum of 1 hour per week actively working through both the reading and math sections.  This is a district requirement.
      This is set up to help students where they need the support the most.  It tracks their progress and does all the instruction by itself.  
      This is a GREAT resource for parents who want their child to do schoolwork every day, even on days when there isn't homework assigned.